所属地区:  天津市-和平区
小姐年龄:  35
小姐颜值:  70
消费水平:  400
服务项目:  zh xt hk ml
详细地址: 清水湾洗浴

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详细介绍:那天加班,之后闲来无事出门溜达溜达,直奔徐官屯去,遛至门口想做个按摩就进去了,问我做正规的还是不正规的,肯定不正规的呀,遂拿牌洗澡,之后上楼,4 5个姐姐选了3号,不得不说这边是有红绳的,喜欢的可以去试试,我受不住就点了普通的,环境还不错,进屋坐了2分钟姐姐拿东西进来了,先是am,然后zh,kh,换了好几种东西k,可谓是欲罢不能了,之后提枪上马,大战几百回合,结束洗澡结账!

Announcement Statement:Due to the nature of the industry being in the gray area, WeChat and QQ account suspensions are a frequent occurrence. If you encounter such issues, you can contact the administrator to update contact information.