


【环境设备】:个人公寓 租房



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【体验细节】: 狼友推荐资料,上个礼拜去了靠谱,见到本人比照片看起来自然,做了个全套的,进门看了一眼环境还可以复式套房,然后聊了一会,就进入正题脱衣服洗澡 会给你洗澡,洗完了就开始调情 做项目,搞起来还是挺舒适的,叫的特别的兴奋,年轻没生过小孩,完事后聊起来说是之前欠了很多钱才兼职的,这次体验是很好的,还分享到狼友群了。

Announcement Statement:Due to the nature of the industry being in the gray area, WeChat and QQ account suspensions are a frequent occurrence. If you encounter such issues, you can contact the administrator to update contact information.