【服务项目】:口爆 69 丝袜 波推 漫游 kiss 深喉
鸳鸯戏水 爱爱 冰火两重天 蚂蚁上树
【价格一览】:1099一刺 1299两刺
【体验细节】:刚刚下海的妹子。刚进门看到妹子穿着一套性感睡衣出来迎接,来一波舌吻。性感的舞蹈。慢慢的脱衣服洗鸳鸯浴。脱完衣服看到妹子皮肤白嫩。奶头粉红粉红的。洗完澡帮我擦干。躺在床上就帮口吹。忍不住了直接开搞。搞完之后还帮波推。用嘴添全身。还有好多服务丝足OL 69 鸳.鸯.浴. 冰火口.爆. 360度S吻 爱.爱 素质约课。微信不发课表
Announcement Statement:Due to the nature of the industry being in the gray area, WeChat and QQ account suspensions are a frequent occurrence. If you encounter such issues, you can contact the administrator to update contact information.
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