[验证地点] :上海

[信息来源] :论坛

[服务项目] :鸳鸯浴,漫游,胸推,69式,冰火,口活,爱爱、SM

[楼花数量] : 1

[环境设备] :干净利落


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[价格一览] : 1300-2800

[安全评估] :满分100。

[重点推荐] :温柔体贴肤色白大长腿


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[验证细节] :服务绝佳妩媚动人擅长调情独家手法旋转吹萧不夜不说敏感词鸽子霸王请步绕道

Announcement Statement:Due to the nature of the industry being in the gray area, WeChat and QQ account suspensions are a frequent occurrence. If you encounter such issues, you can contact the administrator to update contact information.