[验证地点] :.上海市闵行区

[价格- -览] : 1000-2p

[服务项目] :鸳鸯浴、爱爱、调教、口爆、深喉、道具调情、情趣内衣。

[美女数量] : 1


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[验证细节]:妹子很好说话,这个年纪这个价格还是能接受的,黑丝大部分人都喜欢, 170大长腿配黑丝实在是诱惑得不得了,服务不错,应有尽有,六九,口爆,深喉都接受,妹子容易高潮,非常的刺激,主要是环境不错,独居公寓,道具自带,玩得是真的爽,还可以过夜,出差必去-趟的感觉,我个人觉得不错, 值得推荐。

Announcement Statement:Due to the nature of the industry being in the gray area, WeChat and QQ account suspensions are a frequent occurrence. If you encounter such issues, you can contact the administrator to update contact information.