[验证地点] :天津渌水道附近

[信息来源] :亲身体验

[服务项目] :花式,漫游,胸推,舌滑,口痧,阴推,舔蛋,口活,爱爱

[楼花数量] : 2

[环境设备] :高层小区,门卫通行,教室干净有香味

[营业时间] : 24

[价格一览] : 6张/次或15张/天

[安全评估] :顶层,隔音强,地点低调比较安全

[服务星级] :★★★★★

[重点推荐] :口活和女上


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[验证细节] :原来在中高端会所里做中项的,疫情期间自己单干,花式加大,服务没的说,口活有点厉害, 没两把刷子的容易被秒,撑过去女上舔rt,估计没几下也交待了,建议准备好再去。态度不错会聊天,房间也干净,挺香的,每次包夜回来都腿软。

Announcement Statement:Due to the nature of the industry being in the gray area, WeChat and QQ account suspensions are a frequent occurrence. If you encounter such issues, you can contact the administrator to update contact information.