[详细地址] :天津市

[mm数量] : 1

[mm素质] :温柔懂事, 服务态度很好

[mm外形] :身高168, 体重94,胸围有D,魔鬼身材

[服务项目] :舌吻爱爱,丝袜诱惑足交调情,69互

[价格- -览] : 1200全套服务

[营业时间] :自 己预约


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综合评价] :妹子腿好长身材很好,长相甜美,女友感十足,擅长聊天,接吻超级爽穿着丝袜足交好刺激会调情,撒娇、嫩模身材,长相甜美,女友感十足皮肤

Announcement Statement:Due to the nature of the industry being in the gray area, WeChat and QQ account suspensions are a frequent occurrence. If you encounter such issues, you can contact the administrator to update contact information.