[验证地点] :天津市-南开区

[服务项目] :鸳鸯浴,漫游,胸推,69式,冰火,口活,爱爱

[楼花数量] : 1

[环境设备] :不错

[营业时间] :自己约

[价格一览] : 700/次或XX/天等


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[验证细节] :最近想要挖掘点新的资源,遂看见群里的推荐,尝试了下小高端。这妹子海河大观有地,问了下有空便去前往。妹子很年轻,看上去20多岁, 先是到了杯热水,暖和之后便是全套服务。妹子年轻,嫩,腿型不错,让她穿了个肉丝,玩了半天腿,167左右的身高,长相也不错。总体而言属于尝试下新的资源。有想要尝试的朋友们可以去试一下。

Announcement Statement:Due to the nature of the industry being in the gray area, WeChat and QQ account suspensions are a frequent occurrence. If you encounter such issues, you can contact the administrator to update contact information.