[验证地点] :朝阳北路地铁6号线


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[价格一览] : 300起中小项

[服务项目] :全身按摩,助浴,陪浴,过水,舌尖,漫游,制服诱惑,指划,顶级花式秀恩爱,熊推,口纱,水中肖,臀推,顶级互动,全身放松,骑士,鼻吸,胸划,舌滑,耳语,全裸,…..等等

[环境设备] :干净,卫生,温馨

[体验细节] :狼友推荐的靠谱小活小姐姐,今天下班之后问了下老师刚好有空,约好了一下班立马往老师那冲!老师住在地铁附近周围一片繁华,小区也很安全抵达后指挥上楼老师还是比较谨慎,房间干净卫生,一次性床单,浴巾,穿了个性感小吊带,-看颜值和照片非常一 致,美腿,屁股翘,印象分满分,更重要的是一一张嘴就很热情,-点都不尴尬,让人倍感舒适~课表服务都有,妹子会所出来做的,流程满分,值得一试~

Announcement Statement:Due to the nature of the industry being in the gray area, WeChat and QQ account suspensions are a frequent occurrence. If you encounter such issues, you can contact the administrator to update contact information.