所属地区:  广东省-深圳市
小姐年龄:  25-30
小姐颜值:  6分
消费水平:  600
服务项目:  QTG式
详细地址: 取得联系方式后咨询

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详细介绍:BAO妹,见到本人还挺漂亮的,有傲人38E的巨RU,实战超爽,价格600、次,要提前预约,喜欢大NAI的可以找她深入研究一下,小心被NAI子搞窒息哦,停车还挺方便,周末去停车都能停,肉都长奶跟屁股上了,不胖,熊是真的巨大,很耐CAO 跟这种丰满的女人搞我一般都会在车上先喝两瓶红牛上去,干起来真的爽的起飞

Announcement Statement:Due to the nature of the industry being in the gray area, WeChat and QQ account suspensions are a frequent occurrence. If you encounter such issues, you can contact the administrator to update contact information.