

【服务项目】:做爱 口交 制服 丝袜 观音坐莲



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【验证细节】:进门一看,人照相似度可以说非常高了,帮你脱衣服,胸天然的有弹性。服务态度一流,很主动,各项服务做的都很细致,尤其是一边吃一边抬头看着你,那大眼睛,楚楚动人,让你欲罢不能,释放后会给你舔干净,还会给你按摩放松一会,这样爽快不扭捏的妹子,还会来二刷 重点推荐:成熟,白净,胸大,臀大


Announcement Statement:Due to the nature of the industry being in the gray area, WeChat and QQ account suspensions are a frequent occurrence. If you encounter such issues, you can contact the administrator to update contact information.