
【服务项目】:口爆  漫游 熊推  69




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【体验细节】:之前兄弟一直强烈推荐我去试试说刚 下学的妹子非常嫩,一直没有时问过去,前几天刚好有空,找妹子要了位置,开车直达,到了小区门口之后,妹子电话指引上楼,见到本人之后,瞬问 感觉这趟来值了,颜值非常到位,初恋脸,身材也 够用,关键服务还特别棒,各种玩法都可配合,厨房浴室,也可以玩,各位心动的可以赶紧联系了。

Announcement Statement:Due to the nature of the industry being in the gray area, WeChat and QQ account suspensions are a frequent occurrence. If you encounter such issues, you can contact the administrator to update contact information.