[验证地点] :普陀

[服务项目] :鸳鸯浴,漫游,胸推,69式,口活,爱爱

[楼花数量] : 2

[营业时间] : 10-10

[价格- -览] : 400/p, 700/pp, 1500夜

[重点推荐] :波挺大,手感也不错,还有就是皮肤很光滑,服务也挺好


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[验证细节] :小黄文不会写,个人体验挺好,人照八九分像吧,个人觉得性价比挺高的,完事了妹子竟然忘了收钱,我也忘了,回来才转给他的。。。

Announcement Statement:Due to the nature of the industry being in the gray area, WeChat and QQ account suspensions are a frequent occurrence. If you encounter such issues, you can contact the administrator to update contact information.