

【环境设备】:个人公寓 租房



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【真实细节】:昨天晚上本来想去 约满了,今天下午去的,出发前跟妹子说好换了照片上包臀皮裙,前凸后翘 隔着裙子看那大屁股就硬了,没穿内裤,屁股左摇右晃,抱着她蹭了几下 妹子示意先付款,转完账妹子就不拒绝了,随便操盘,然后一起洗澡,她把沫浴露搞满屁股上慢慢的搓,真的超爽,服务还可以 居然是真舌dulong,让她穿上皮裙艹她,比全裸更好玩,很满意

Announcement Statement:Due to the nature of the industry being in the gray area, WeChat and QQ account suspensions are a frequent occurrence. If you encounter such issues, you can contact the administrator to update contact information.